What’s wrong with Gibson?

I do not know if it’s been decided yet … but it seems that the rumor has gotten rumored.

Blues, rock, metal, etc. Gibson has a lot of weight in western pop music along with Fender.

Many people who love guitars think that the Les Paul Standard model, which was produced in 1959 by about 200 companies, is the Holy Grail of guitar … I have been marketing marketing centered on this model of reissue model.


gibson original shellsheet

The original is a guitar that looks like the one above, but the cheap one is worth $ 300,000, and the one that costs $ 1,000,000.

Reissue models sell for $ 7,000 to $ 20,000 at Gibson, and the actual price will be lower.

It is not one of the representative cultural contents of America, but it can be predicted that from the end of the 60’s to the year 81, it is hard to produce high-quality Gibson guitars for a while like the case of Fender.

In fact, except for some monumental models, there were many complaints about marketing too much.

Over the past decade, Gibson has produced guitars that have copied the Gibson 59-year model around a small workshop. Let’s introduce some representative workshops.


Johan Gustavsson shellsheet

Johan Gustavsson
It is a guitar with a reputation among collectors, and a guitar that makes the order mainly in a small workshop (some have failed to make a popular approach).

If you look on YouTube. It is a Swiss guitar that sounds really good.

If you live in the US, you can easily order a CR Guitar dealer.

George Tandler

I did not know until a few years ago, and there are quite a lot of guitar workshops in Germany that are well-known around the world.

This man was praised by Dan Smith, who led Fender’s rehabilitation in the early 80s, to make Strat better than Fender’s headquarters (Dan Smith died in the production year and his son is now one of the master builders of the Fender Custom Shop. Jason Smith), but his peculiarity is that he’s a 59-year-old Les Paul reprinted product.

The price usually starts at about 10,000 euros. I hear a lot of phoenix from overseas user site such as gear page.

George Tandler shellsheet
Gil Yaron

gibson original shellsheet

(Les Paul of Pete Thorn by Guy Yaron)

It is an Israeli guitar maker known to a lot of people using Pete Thorn, who is quite famous for his other music lovers. It is also a reference guitar used by George Metropoulos, who most accurately reproduces vintage marshall amplifiers this century, to check his amp tones. It is also the most successful guitar builder in recent years.

In the past, Gibson was legally sued by Maxx Guitar and PRS did not release a 59-year-old Les Paul copy model, but Gibson went bankrupt. Perhaps many guitar producers will also be excited about making 59 Les Paul guitars.

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