Shell Inlay Door production process for Lotte Hotel in Seoul

1. Primary coating work on wooden door surface. (It will dry for 2-3 days.)

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2. Attach shell pieces on thin paper.

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3. Apply glue on the surface of the door where the surface coating is completely dry, and stick thin paper with shell pieces on the door.

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4. Use a wet towel to tap the paper so that it sticks well.

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5. This is a picture of drying a door with paper pieces (with shell pieces) in the drying room. (2-3 days)

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6. Once the shell pieces are fully attached to the door, use warm water to remove the thin paper that is the secondary attachment.

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7. Remove the paper and dry the wet door. (3-5 days)
This is just before the last surface coating.

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8. Before the last coating (cashew), repair the broken or missing part of the mother-of-pearl.

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9. After applying the first coating (cashew), polish it by hand.

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10. Finish work on site to install fully dried door at Lotte Hotel.

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11. Pictures of Shell Inlay Door installed at Lotte Hotel.

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Seoul LOTTE HOTEL ( 2008 year )

Shell Inlay Door ( Dewdrop design )

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